[ASA FASHION ICON POLL] that was hosted by ASA, in association with PD GROUP and BEAUTYGIVE, had perfectly ending in Jan 14, 2017. The action that ASA searching trendsetters and auditioning models create a sensation in fashionable bound, and cause concern in major Fashion Medias. The activity takes place in Tianjin Minyuan Square that is located in the core of Tianjin, which imply ASA will be the heart of Tianjin fashion world.
Even the nightfall could not dim people`s passion and expectation for the fashion party.
The contestants come to the scene early. The champion is selected from 10 contestants who was selected through network voting will be the top model with ASA in 2017. Two and three prize will get 5000RMB and 3000RMB and also be the model with ASA. The perfectly ending of this activity could not be successful without the support by trendsetters, and thanks to the help of major media.